Skyline Innovation Co.,Limited.

Product Detail


Model WK2806
Brand SteadyWin

WK2806 magnet ring version.pdf

WK2806 magnet steel version.pdf

WK2806 magnet ring version.STEP

WK2806 magnet steel version.STEP

额定电压(Nominal voltage)V12
额定电流(Nominal current)A0.81
额定扭矩(Nominal torque)N.M0.06
额定转速(Nominal speed)rpm950
最大转速(Max speed)rpm2335
堵转扭矩(Stall torque)N.M0.09
堵转电流(Stall current)A1.22
绕线匝数(Winding turns of motor)T60
相电阻(Phase resistance)Ω5
相电感(Phase inductance)Mh1.51
转速常数(Speed constant)rpm/v121
扭矩常数(Torque constant)N.M/A0.07
转子惯量(Rotor inertia)gcm^251
极对数(Number of pole pairs)Pairs7
电机重量(Motor weight)g22
工作温度范围(Working temperature)-50~100
最高退磁温度(Max demagnetize tempersture)120